Christmas morning I suprised hubby with a trip back to our favourite place, Koh Samui Thailand. It was the place we had gone on our first overseas trip together, where we got married and now it was going to be our first big family holiday.
As he opened his present that morning his reaction was of course excitement, but deep down inside I could tell he was a bit apprehensive on taking an infant to South East Asia- and to be honest so was I.
When I had booked the trip our baby was only 7 months old and was going to be 10 turning 11 months while we were away. As she is also our first child I had very little idea of what to expect. I needed to do some serious reasearch.
A few questions came to my mind. What was she going to eat? Drink? Formular or breastfeed (still currently breastfeeding)? What about adjusting to the time zone differences? What to take )and what not to take)? How were we going to be carrying her around- Stroller? Sling? Was the heat going to be an issue & what about infectious diseases such as Malaria, Dysentery etc...
Ohh have you been yet? Traveling with kids scares me we have only been camping and in our own state so far never over sea's :-)