About this blog...

Our family, like many others- loves to travel. This is our blog on our adventures and dreams.

In this blog are a few tips I have discovered over the years about travelling overseas and more recent,

building a bus to travel around Australia! Follow us- The Fowlers on our travel adventures.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fowlers Bay to The Nullabor

Left Fowlers Bay and pretty much drove non-stop to the Nullabor Roadhouse. Saw lots and lots of scrub and trees, straight roads and then "the nothing" came! Nothing but salt bushes and dust.

 Lots of this......
and this. Then.....
the "Nothing"
We got excited to see a bend in the road!

Ah the Nullabor.... a very boring, straight, dusty stretch of road. The only animal we saw apart from crows was a dead camel, and I'm pretty sure he died of shear bordem.

We stopped at the Nullabor roadhouse for $2.06lt petrol which actually seemed cheap compared to the $12.50 10lt boxed water available for sale. I actually quite liked the feel of the roadhouse, so dusty and raw straight out of an american desert movie.

 Pretty sure this sign is for the tourists as we saw NONE of the animals anywhere!

We had a beer at the pub got some souveniers and left for the Great Australian Bight National Park (yes a national park for salt bushes and crows!).

 The sign should really say "The end of the earth National Park"

We were pretty happy when we arrived to find that we were the only ones there and out in the middle of nowhere was a concrete slab just for us.

After setting up and while having a few bevies, we found Gus had a flat tyer!

Had BBQ vegie skewers and Smoky Bay oysters for tea (and stabbed myself with the shucka as well)

After all the dust, bordem and the "nothing" The Nullabor makes up for it at night. THE most amazing display of stars we have ever seen!

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